Ralf Gerlich wrote:

> As soon as I get time I'll document the process somewhat, hoping to get 
> others started. This is quite a good field for improvement in FlightGear 
> if you're unable to help with the coding. Let's see what comes around 
> with Martin Spott's PostGIS server.

Sorry for the delay, I've been a bit busy these days merging time
critical day work with preparation for my practical PPL exam.
Now I'm done with my PPL - man, am I happy now ....
This monday I'll have an exam for what is called "the general flight
radio telephone operator's certificate (AZF)" - we only need the
restricted certificate for VFR, I'm doing the general certificate just
for fun  :-)

After I'm done with this as well, then I'm prepared to finish the
PostGIS database.

BTW: Well done, Ralf !
 Unix _IS_ user friendly - it's just selective about who its friends are !

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