
Georg Vollnhals schrieb:
Hi Ralf,
I am a pure FlightGear user (since very early versions) and scanning the developers mailing list regularly. After your announcement I first flew the scenery from EDNY two days ago and now downloaded, installed your improvements and did several VFR flights with my ICAO chart and a more detailled street chart. Congrats! This is really a big step forward to increase the possibility of realistic VFR flying (next version with modelled NOVEMBER and ECHO :-) ?).

For those not familiar with the vicinity of EDNY: NOVEMBER and ECHO are compulsory reporting points located above significant street resp. railroad tracks. Well, placing reporting points at significant landmarks is probably custom at nearly all airports, isn't it?

As I said in the original announcement of the scenery screenshots, a huge number of streets, railroads, streams and rivers were digitised. You may want to have a look at the Status-page (http://web44.netzwerteserver2.de/209.0.html) where the digitalisation status of line- and polygon-data is shown.

However, those data did not make it to the current scenery release as TerraGear choked, obviously due to the massive density of data. I'm going to further investigate this - maybe with a little help from the experts on this list - and I hope that we can at some point release at least some compromise version between "nearly no linedata" and "<<1 FPS" ;-) The current selection of the data subset kept is arbitrary and not necessarily sensible.

At this point I'd like to emphasise the great work of my project colleague Ingrid, who has done the whole digitalisation of the streets. (I'm beginning to feel guilty for all your congratulations being attributed to me ;-) )

Regarding VFR-training we'd like to take what we get in terms of geographic data, as after all in reality you don't see only those streets on the ground which are actually on your map. I'm no pilot myself (yet? ;-), but it was confirmed to me that confusing one street with another does happend and may be a serious navigation problem.

Ingrid also models the typical cloverleaf-form of freeway intersections as significant landmarks. However, in the current release the line widths for the access roads seem to be a bit underestimated so these are not that easy to identify.

With your help (tutorial) and after getting LINUX and TerraGear to a point where I can use it I would like to do so and (naturally) share my work with all interested when there will be a place to put it.

My top priorities are now modifying the shapefile-reader in TerraGear to also understand line- and point-data, as to replace the quick'n'dirty GRASS-specific tool currently mentioned on the project webpage, and then writing documentation for getting started with digitalisation with GRASS. The latter will take some time, so bear with me.

I did some modifications to the GRASS-CVS-version which help for digitalisation and will make patches, scripts and GRASS-binaries for Windows/Cygwin and - if necessary - Linux available.

There's still lots of general challenges left. For example, those of you who've tried the scenery may have noticed some elevation anomalies in the area of the islands and the Rhine mouth near Altenrhein (LSZR). There the water has an upwards tendency toward the land mass, which doesn't look quite realistic.


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