I am new to Flight Gear and have often thought it would be great to
have an open source flight simulator. About three years ago, I began a
project to model the Digitrak Autopilot in MSFS, which turned out
okay, but not really like I hoped it could be. I was able to
graphically imitate the AP and to connect it to the heading bug and
existing internal autopilot and have it generally operate. I was able
to model some of the special behaviors, such the initialization delay
and display. However, it really could not go beyond that because you
could not mod the internal autopilot (well, maybe some expert could by
modding the code or doing all the calculations in the embedded
scripting language, but that was beyond what I was willing to do). I
was frustrated by the inability to model the unique characteristics
with accuracy.

I discovered FlightGear supports XML panels and gauges, so I decided
to give the project another chance. That's all very long winded, so I
will get down to the matter at hand.

The instrument I am trying to port is a model of the Digitrak digital
autopilot for experimental aircraft to FlightGear. This is made by a
company called TruTrak and you can download the PDF files on the
Digitrak here:


I've read all the docs that came with the FG distributions and have
made a start on the Digitrak for FlightGear, but the learning curve is
steep. I've got the texture created, made a instrument XML file and
loaded it onto the Cessna panel. The display works and the two main
buttons are clickable. In addition, I have studied the documents on
the PID controller and copied over the HDG one from the general
autopilot for experimentation.

So far, I can see that I will need some help pulling all this together
and modeling the controller to get this actually working. Then there
are a lot of unique features to model. The Digitrak uses GPS Nav or
its own internal DG for directional information. I will probably need
to use the nasal script to model the initialization delay at startup.

This a/p has a variety of modes and nuanced behaviors that will likely
be difficult to model. Although I do not intend to model all of the
features, I hope to model the basic functionality. Even now I can see
that some would make this a very complicated project given the
limitations of FGFS and the amount of work to make many of the modes
and display features work as in the manual is too much to consider at
this time. It would require nearly every feature to be nasal scripted.
This would probably be similar to the nasal scripted buttons/functions
of the KAP140 autopilot.

My attempts so far have left me with some questions.

Is there a complete and comprehensive list of properties that are
built-in to the FG system (not those created by a particular

Do I understand correctly that properties in the instrumentation/
hierarchy are built-in values, that come from the system and are not
produced by a custom instrument or script?

I do understand that you can bring a property into existence by naming
it and it appears that the properties in autopilot/ hierarchy are
somehow part of the standard autopilot. I believe this means I should
create my own set of properties, such as autopilot/digitrak/settings
etc. Is that correct?

I tried adapting the controller, the cascading one for Heading Bug,
but it will not track. It just spins around. I can see it hit a "bump"
when it equals the setting. The original HDG controller uses the
heading bug error as an input. But I need to input the difference
between the orientation of the a/c and the GPS track into the
controller. I tried making the orientation in roll axis the input and
the GPS track the reference, but that does not seem to work.

Also, I do not really understand the GPS system in FGFS. I need to
take the heading value from the GPS ground track. The Digitrak in its
NAV mode follows a GPS track and ground speed from the GPS. That is
all it needs to function. It has various other modes as well, but that
is the one I want to get working first.

I appreciate your help,


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