Good evening,

We proudly present the first export from the TerraGear landcover
database ....  or however you prefer to name it. The contents is
exactly the same as the landcover data that has previously been used
for scenery generation - at least this is the intention.

This release serves multiple goals:
 - It should encourage those people that are familiar with the process
   of creating FlightGear Scenery to test the process of scenery
   generation using Ralf Gerlich's shape-decode patch to terragear
   together with the shapefiles presented here;
 - it should encourage as many people as possible to compare familiar
   places from the 'usual' scenery with the scenery generated from
   these shapefiles;
 - it should pave the way for Ralf's patch into the regular TerraGear
   source tree.

We see these goals as the first step on our way to the incorporation of
hand-crafted details into the 'official' scenery. Following steps
include the manifestation of a nomenclatura that replaces the current
layer names and which meets future demands regarding differentiation.
After this is finished we'll allow limited direct access to the
database itself and are open to accept submissions.

Later on we intend to add the creation of TerraGear work-directories
right out of the database which could be distributed via SVN to limit
the traffic amount required for updates.

The complete set of packed shapefiles is about 439 MByte in size,
uncompressed about 1739 MByte:

Have fun,
 Unix _IS_ user friendly - it's just selective about who its friends are !

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