Dave Martin wrote:
> On Saturday 10 September 2005 15:39, Martin Spott wrote:

>> We have to be careful about simply dropping a shapefile into our
>> "landcover database". Wenever we add a road, river or some other data
>> to the database we'll have to have a look if the respective object is
>> already represented there.
> Is it possibly to remove the existing shapefile for a certain area from the 
> landcover DB? Perhaps the UK landcover generated by Jon via openstreetmap.org 
> could be kept seperately until more or less complete and then used to 
> generate UK scenery.

Honestly I think OSM will never reach a state where one could declare
it as 'complete' - it lies in the nature of such a project that the
state of 'completeness' will never occur.

Maybe I should give a very small abstract on what the mentioned
shapefiles actually represent. We have several 'layers' defined in the
database where every layer contains objects which share unique
characteristics. This means there is a _single_ layer that contains
_all_ medium sized roads (line data) of the whole world (or at least
those which are known in the dataset), another layer contains all
inland lakes (polygons), a third one contains the location of the known
towns (point data) and the GSHHS shorelines do have their very own
layer as well. You can select from these layers using SQL commands -
this is how QGIS operates on the database when you select data from a
certain region in a certain layer.

Distribution of all data which is contained in a layer is easily done
by exporting the whole layer into a shapefile - which is what I'm doing
here. The goal of the whole effort is to have a storage which enables
us to merge landcover data from many different sources (and formats),
to distribute the result using a standard/unified format and herewith
to disburden the TerraGear maintainer(s) from the job of having to deal
with different data sources for different locations.
With this background it would be pretty unreasonable to drop the whole
British island from the database. The way to go is to employ a method
which enables us to continuously merge the OSM data into the landcover

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