On Fri, 14 Oct 2005 18:54:47 +0200, Harald wrote in message 

> Martin Spott wrote:
> >  Erik Hofman wrote:
> >
> > > To my opinion the X-Plane format isn't qualified for accurate
> > > runway and taxiway layout.
> >
> > This is Harald's opinion as well as mine ! _But_: Our opinion on
> > this format actually does not change it. Right ?
> > And as long as FG sticks to rely on this X-Plane data it makes
> > little sense to generate airports in a different format - as long as
> > we are  unable to convert back and forth. For example it would be a
> > nice feature to automagically create outlines and a centerline from
> > X-Plane data and create a set of overrides from FAA/SIA/whoever
> > data.
> > 
> I can see two kind of airports in the Robin database :
> - those with detailed taxiways and apron : they have no more any
> taxiway  description because the mass of little pseudo-apron used to
> make details and curves have  replaced the one or two default taxiways
> ; - those without detaild taxiways; they have one or two taxiways
> paralel  to the runways.
> So I have the feeling that we can not extract any meaningfull 
> information from the runways data from this database, the side effect
> is that there is no need to convert  from one format to another 
> hypothetical format.
> > Probably we are going to merge this data into a single set of
> > airport descriptions in vector format for FlightGear. What are we
> > going to do if something is being changed in Robin's database ? Are
> > we going to maintain a parallel database ?
> > 
> We have 20.000+ airports in Robin base, we want to change 50 or 500 of
> them. I think we should keep Robin's database and use it as we use it
> today, and use a  new database for the few airports we want to upgrade
> with a new format.
> Durk Taslma is using a network to describe the ground traffic pattern,
> we are no more talking about polygons.

..IMHO, the wise thing to do is extend Robin's database format to do our
thing the way we wanna do it, and use that to win him over our way
exporting to his format, and ship him both. Robin's user's corrections
remains useful to us, even if they stick with their current format. 

..and, we can reel them in pretty nicely our way setting up a web site
"taxi way editor" app for user input of their  database corrections, to
output the corrected data on the spot, and in both formats.

..med vennlig hilsen = with Kind Regards from Arnt... ;o)
...with a number of polar bear hunters in his ancestry...
  Scenarios always come in sets of three: 
  best case, worst case, and just in case.

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