Geoff Air wrote:


Thanks LeeE (Debian) and Oliver C. (Linux) for your
--fog-disable --visability=120000 tries ... this is
almost, I say ALMOST, enough to get me to switch to
a *nix system ;=))

=IF= I had got my no fog, maximum visibility, and
disabled clouds, running, one of my next questions
would have been -
Why is it ALWAYS so dark in the distance? ;=/

This can be at noon, and it is the same all around ...
and even if the sun is more over the distance scene,
morning or evening, it is ALWAYS rendered black in
the distance, except when fog is enabled ... then
it is rendered all white ... ;=))

Judging by the size of the 'squares' on the ground,
I guess Oliver's image must be from about 40000 feet,
and when I climb to this height I get a TOTAL BLACK
scene below me ... only when I descend does the
ground become lighted ...

This is with the default visibility, whatever that
is, and no fog ... of course, if I set the visibility
to 60000m, the MAXIMUM I can use without getting a
memory ABORT, then looking straight down, the ground
is lighted, but the distance is BLACK ...

It definitely feels as if the lighting effect is
taken from the position of the viewing aircraft,
and certainly not from the actual position of
the sun ...

Ok, --disable-fog does *not* disable fog. Try this ;-)

cvs -z3 diff -u -- renderer.cxx (in directory F:\dvlp\FG\source\src\Main\)
@@ -472,7 +477,9 @@
        glEnable( GL_FOG );
        glFogi( GL_FOG_MODE, GL_EXP2 );
        glFogfv( GL_FOG_COLOR, l->adj_fog_color() );
-    }
+    } else
+        glDisable( GL_FOG );


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