As some of you may have noticed, I completed a prerelease of FlightGear-0.9.9(pre1) and SimGear-0.3.9(pre1). I haven't heard any complaints about the prerelease, so I am planning to do a pre2 release this week.

If all goes well and we have no major show stoppers, I would like to start working on the official v0.9.9 release next week and have it out by the end of next week (optimistically.)

I'm trying to fit this into my own 'spare' time schedule so I may not be able to accomidate everyone's needs and wishes. But, there is always the next release if we miss something this time around.

We haven't officially decided, but right now we are talking about doing a v1.0 release after the dust has settled on 0.9.9. That would likely happen sometime early 2006 after the holidays.



Curtis Olson
HumanFIRST Program
FlightGear Project
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