Steve Hosgood schrieb:

Seems like the program closes /usr/share/FlightGear/data/preferences.xml
and immediately crashes.

Hi Steve,
I had the same problem today after compiling new SimGear/FlightGear CVS.
Although I had downloaded FlightGear CVS data with cvs update -d -P I got the message that preferences.xml could not be read by SimGear XML Browser line 1 column 1 and the program terminated. Same after I deleted Line 1, another XML brower error message came up. This was not really professional but easy (in my job I am trained to follow the KISS principle "keep it simple, stupid") - I renamend the data folder and made a complete new download of all FlightGear data - and it worked afterwards. After my opinion it has something to do with an old preferences.xml file (I changed the AI entries to have the carrier and other ai) which could not be read anymore with the new CVS code. But please - I am a FlightGear newbie, this is just my 2 c to try to help you as the problem seems to be similar.

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