> From: James Turner
>  De-lurking for a moment,I recall the original intention was to include at 
> least one aircraft > from each common category (single, light twin, heavy 
> twin, bizjet, etc). The new criteria 
> seems to be features / polish / completion - I'm not arguing which criteria 
> makes more sense > for a 0.9.9 or 1.0 release, but that's why the c310 is in, 
> as I understand it - in the absence 
> of a Baron or Diamond TwinStar, it's the only light twin that really exists 
> with a model and > cockpit. It's had very little love, and the default skin 
> has been the military variant, which > a few people have objected too in the 
> past.If the argument about 'covering the categories' 
> still holds, then replacing the c310 with b1900d is moot - for sure the b1900 
> should go in,
> because it's polished and slick, but it's a totally different class of 
> aircraft (replacing 
> the DC-3 with the b1900d would be more equivalent, but there are other 
> reasons the DC3 is 
> nice)Anyway, I guess all I'm really saying is, it sounds as if the criteria 
> for inclusion have 
> shifted changed, and that's fine, but it might put the existing aircraft 
> selection from 0.9.8 
> in a new perspective.JamesPS - any time someone wants to do the TwinStar, I 
> am prepared to 
> offer all kinds of bribery! Cash, beer, you name it! --

Still behind on reading the list.   I agree with James here.  Also it should be 
pointed out that the quality of the JSBSim FDM for the c310 is very high even 
though the eye candy is limited.



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