On Wed, 2005-11-23 at 18:01, Martin Spott wrote:
> Robicd wrote:
> > Martin Spott wrote:
> >> "Roberto Inzerillo" wrote:
> >>>FGSD is very helpfull in modelling the terrain too.
> >> .... but you should note that there is no way to feed this terrain back
> >> into the 'official' FlightGear Scenery,
> > I have real fun with that, my area (which is Palermo - Italy) has really 
> > awfull release scenery tiles. I guess I will need more time to spend on 
> > learning GRASS and maybe in the near future we will have the tools to 
> > easily integrate private enhancements to the scenery base.
> I'm pretty sure we will have tools in the near future to merge certain
> landcover enhancements into the main scenery. We may have tools to
> merge elevation data into the main scenery but I fear we will almost
> _never_, as we already said in an earlier discussion, never have the
> tools to merge those enhancements that people created with FGSD.

I know this topic comes up from time to time, but it strikes me that the
only way you can ever hope to handle the custom terrain & scenery
question is to cater for a two-layer approach:

1) Flightgear has a world-coverage terrain dataset available (as now).
It's stored in tiles and goes in .../Data/Terrain. It contains elevation
and approximate land-usage texturing clues (as now).

2) Flightgear has a limited set of 3D world scenery objects (as now),
such as airports and famous landmarks. This gets superimposed on the
terrain (as now). It's stored in tiles in .../Data/Scenery

3) Flightgear should support a secondary terrain dataset available in
(say) .../Data/Terrain/Custom. If FG needs a tile, it looks there first.
If it finds a match, then that tile is used in preference to the default

4) Flightgear should support a secondary scenery objects dataset in
(say) .../Data/Scenery/Custom. Managing this gets a bit more complex,
but it's probably best that each scenery item be considered separately.
If a custom scenery object is in view, display it. If a default scenery
object is in view, display it too unless it's been trumped by a custom
object occupying the same coordinates.

4a) You need to cater for the idea of a custom null-object whose only
job is to trump a default scenery object that's considered to be wrong.
I believe someone said that the Eiffel Tower in Paris is an example of
this (being around 500m misplaced)?

Doing all of this ought to allow the Flightgear main project people to
just get on with the sim, but allow individual enthusiasts to improve
the look of their own localities. Plus it would allow anyone to download
peoples' local improved scenery and have it plug in seamlessly.

Some of this has been talked about before.
Folks were asking recently about what had to be done for 1.0.0. My vote
would be to sort this one out.


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