Steve Knoblock wrote:
> > 1. Will Nasal scripting give me all options to program the
> > push-back function (incl. playing sound files and checking
> > distances to other planes or to next taxi way)?

> I am not sure of this, but NASAL can listen for properties and then
> change properties,

Yes, Nasal interacts with the rest of FlightGear through the property
and FGCommand subsystems, and in a few special cases by extension
functions (settimer() and random() being the only ones I can think of
off the top of my head).

So anything you can do through those mechanisms is scriptable.
Anything the you *can't* do through those mechanisms is either
something that we don't want to script (3D rendering, FDM internals),
or just haven't gotten around to.  Wiring up property/command
interfaces for C++ subsystems is generally pretty easy.


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