On Thu, 2005-12-01 at 14:15, Josh Babcock wrote:
> Just as a note, this functionality already exists. You can use the mouse
> to look around and zoom in. Zoom in, click, zoom out. I do it all the time.

That's a very good trick (just tried it). Never thought of that one, and
yes, I can even read the buttons on the autopilot by doing that.

The only trouble with that approach is that you can't both look out of
the window *and* read the autopilot without quite a few mouse-clicks and
some x/X keypresses.

I'll grant you that it does allow you read small buttons and things,
it's a great workaround for my main gripe.

> I also recognize that
> there are a lot of people out there (myself included) that would much
> rather use the keyboard, dialog box or pulldown menu.
> In short, It's all well and good to add a functionality, but talking
> about taking away a functionality that someone wanted enough to go to
> the trouble of creating is not productive.

Yeah, OK. Several people have said the same thing now, so obviously the
dialog-box option is regarded as a must-have. As you say, let's not
throw out something that works.

However, can the implementation be changed so that repeats of the
autopilot snafu "can't happen"? I suggested in a different reply that
maybe the "instrument object" should be in charge of all its related
displays - whether that's the OpenGL one, the dialog box or (if it was
accepted as a good idea) my separate pop-up window alternate-view idea.

>  If you don't like it, don't
> use it.

I get the message!
(And I have no problems with that.)


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