Christian Mayer wrote:
> Martin Spott schrieb:

>> Could you probably back this with an explanation ? Voice-based ATC is
>> done all over the world, why should'nt FlightGear do this as well ?
> I understand the point that a real voice service does only make sense
> when there is an ATC service (at least for the big airports and
> instrument flying) that can handle it.
> Text messages have the big problem that when you are already missing a
> few hands during landing you would need an additional hand that selects
> the correct text. A voice message would be parallel...

I'd like to underline these two points:
1.) There won't be any volunteer who is serious about doing ATC
    service as long as FlightGear does not have _appropriate_
    capabilities. Appropriate capabilities in my eyes includes
    something that resembles the functions of a radar screen plus ...
2.) a medium that allows ATC to communicate with the pilots in a way
    that really allows for doing ATC. Typing text messages definitely
    does not fall in this category because ATC as well as the pilots
    need their hands for other tasks. I don't know a single serious
    pilot who is capable of flying an approach with just one hand (you
    need one for the controls and the other for throttle/flaps/whatever
    - not to speak of the necessary skills to type only with the
    fingers on the other hand.

Unfortunately I don't have the skills and/or capabilities to implement
both ends. I can offer to set up and maintain the infrastructure that's
required for such a voice service - as long as the number of users
doesn't grow into several hundreds - but such a project would require
another volunteer to care for the client side, i.e. implement something
that couples voice communication to FlightGear (preferrably in a
portable and foresighted way).

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