"dene maxwell" wrote:

> Having read the posts concerning the World Scenery Databse and other 
> associated posts, I am concerned that I won't be able to share the changes I 
> have made to the scenery tiles around my local (NZWN) with others.

This is sad but in fact it's the case. One of the major goals of the
centralized database effort is just to avoid further disappointments of
the sort you feel now. If you look into the mailing list archives of
FlightGear(-devel) and FGSD, then you'll find tracks of this process in
there. Frederic himself has started the 'official' part of the
discussion by noticing that he'd work towards using "primitives". In
other words: Your disappointment was predictable ....

BUT: You still can share your current scenery files with others and
people will be able to use them as long as they fit into the
auto-generated, 'official' scenery. Once the auto-generated scenery is
built using different, more precise elevation data you might get into
trouble because the boundaries won't fit any more.
This is where our effort comes in: Once people start submitting their
changes in a 'portable' way, they will happily find their contribution
being incorporated in every next scenery build - and I kindly hope you
will follow this path together with us.

> It seems most of the mechanisms to provide changes in a format that can be 
> submitted to the World Scenery Database (WSD) are based around *nix systems 
> and programs. Will I ( as a win32 users) be able to submit in a 
> useful/usable form, my updates, that I have used Fred's FGSD to produce?

The database itself is running on a Unix system, but, hey, we tried to
make sure to be as much open as possible:
The client libraries to the database are available on almost every
platform, the programming interface is well-documented (see
http://www.custom-scenery.org/Submissions.261.0.html). Frederic usually
makes sure that FGSD runs on Windows, there is QGIS on Windows which
makes a nice viewer, there is uDIG which runs on Windows as well (as
it's written with Java/Eclipse), GRASS is available on Windows (although
this might be a tricky part ....).

As already being said, the updates you've been making with the old
version (up to 3.x of FGSD) will never make it into the database but
I expect future versions of FGSD to be able to export a format that us
suitable. Frederic won't be able to finish the task overnight but as
far as I can tell he's on the 'right' (TM) track  :-)

Hi Frederic, do you feel ok. !?  ;-)

 Unix _IS_ user friendly - it's just selective about who its friends are !

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