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dene maxwell schrieb:
> Hi all,
> my reading of the situation;
> a) No adjustment of the textures takes place at the moment for sloping
> terrain...hence the "stretch" problem.
> b) a "cylindrical" solution has been proposed(that I don't understand
> the maths of) that may/will have an unacceptable performance hit.
> c) x-plane and MSFS have solutions to this problem that look great and
> don't have a performance hit at 50km distance (assumption; at <50km they
> do have a performance hit)
> d) we put up with seams with very little performance hit
> has anyone actually tested the various options to quantify the
> performance hits and/or the visual effects involved in the various
> solutions. Objective data would certainly be helpful?

a), b) and d) would have *no* runtime performance hit.
b) has a scenery generation performance hit (that depends on the number
of vertices that belong to one terrain type)
d) has a little, neglectable scenery generation performance hit - but
the visual results would be really ugly

c) would have a runtime performance hit (i.e. the frame rate drops)

I don't know the quantities of the hits though.
But I'd try b) first as it's compatible to the current approach and
doesn't create any runtime overhead.


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