Mark wrote:

> As far as I see it, the manual alteration of the city textures should be
> kept as an option.
> By default the use of the regional textures makes more sence, since
> modifying every town would be just too time consuming.
> Using the poligons as a virtual marker for the regions sounds good.
> This way the regions can be defined much better as based on coordinates.
> The question is, how difficult it would be to detect in which region you
> are then.

My idea is to provide a set of irregular tiles (polygons) that cover
the earth and where every polygon has a certain region type attached to
it. We should have no more than a dozend different region types but
every region type can have multiple occurrences. This way we probably
divide the Earth into two or three dozend tiles.
Every region type has a well-defined short-name and we could then
divide our the textures into Base Package subdirectories of these
names. It should be easy to let FlightGear look up the name of the
region type that's currently underneath the aircraft's position as we
know the location of the aircraft as well as the corners and the type
of the underlying polygon (this is sort of a simple spatial query).
If a texture subdirectory that corresponds to the current region type
does not exists, default textures are being applied. Additional
textures do not necessarily be part of the base package, they could be
contained in some add-on package.

> So to sum it up - we already have people with textures and willing to
> create new ones and populate 'the world' with them.
> But so far we lack the ability to use them, since the landcovertypes are
> not used by terragear at the moment, the PostGIS-DB isn't used by
> terragear for scenery-generation yet and the regions aren't defined yet.

Using different textures for different regions does not necessarily
depend on the Landcover DB. Although it would make much sense to
maintain the regions in the Landcover DB, the main part is putting
textures in subdirectories and allow FlightGear to select one based
upon external criteria (polygon definition, maybe provided by a shape
file  :-)

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