Hi Melchior,

As soon as I use the <red-prop> instead of <red> property (and so on with green and blue) flightgear crashes with the following error message:

It doesn't crash ...
Unknown exception in the main loop. Aborting...

... but abort, because you entered an invalid property. This has nothing
to do with the "material" animation. Sigh ...

That's nice to know to pretty useless to me by the time.

But maybe <red-prop> has to be used with slightly different syntax;

Reading the documentation is *strongly* recommended before you complain.
It's a bug in your XML code.

Of course, Melchior, I wasn't complaining :-) Did I?
I was just comparing my experience in order to go on with learning and creating new pretty 3d models for fgfs.

I was looking for some suggestions because I find the only documentation available for non programmers (which is the model-howto.html) a little bit confusing regarding factor, offset and -prop stuff.

I guess I will have to clear things out by myself :-(


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