Melchior FRANZ wrote:

> Could be, but I wasn't talking about that, but about a wrong XML
> statement. Roberto presumably used something like <red-prop>1.0</red-prop>.
> But the "-prop" in the tag wants to say us that it expects a property path:
> <red-prop>/path/to/a/number</red-prop>. And the material animation, like
> all other animations, doesn't check the validity of the property path, but
> hands it over to SimGear. SimGear checks, isn't happy, throws an exception,
> and this should issue an error message and exit. If the exception is
> unknown to main(), then it simply says:
>   Unknown exception in the main loop. Aborting...
> and aborts. Some people say it "crashes". It doesn't. But I've changed that
> now in fgfs so that it says at least:
>   Fatal error: name must begin with alpha or '_'
> Someone with sg access may want to write a better fix for simgear
> (replace string with an exception class). 

Ah, thank you so much for fixing that. This error message has thrown me
off far too many times.


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