On Monday 06 March 2006 02:52, Chris Metzler wrote:
> If there's some way to make them not look like white boxes, but rather
> like real ground structures look -- whether through texturing, or just
> solid material colors on the polys without using textures-- I agree.
> Without that, I dunno.  
> So the question is, how easy/hard will it be to edit the structures
> after generation -- to give them a look other than grey/white boxes?
Sure, just open the resulting AC3D file in your favorite 3D modelling tool and 
apply a material.  People can also modify the the svg2ac source code to have 
this done automatically.

> In response to something I was playing with 
> a year or two ago, David Megginson made the point to me (and I had
> to concede he was right) that scenery objects that look crude (in a
> graphics sense) can be worse than if they weren't even there in the
> scene at all; they stick out against the more realistic-looking
> terrain, runways, etc., and break the user's suspension of disbelief.
Of course white boxes would stand out.  Once a material has been applied 
however, the resulting grey boxes should blend in fairly well with 
FlightGear's scenery at this point in time.

> Are they going into invididual .ac files, or one big .ac file for an
> entire area (including many buildings)?  Or is the plan to provide
> some generic wall/roof colors or textures to these structures when
> generated?
They are one big AC3D file.


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