Hi All,

I'm getting a core dump when running with Concorde on an up to date
SimGear/FG/Data on Cygwin. I haven't managed to get anywhere in
determining the cause, but it appears to be different from the problems
reported under the "Upcoming Release".

The meagre stack trace I generated is included below.


$ fgfs --aircraft=Concorde 
  Model Author:  Anon Y. Mous
  Creation Date: 11-15-2005
  Version:       0.8
  Description:   Models an Aerospatiale/British Aerospace Concorde.
FlightGear aborting

Aborted (core dumped)

$ cat fgfs.exe.stackdump 
Stack trace:
Frame     Function  Args
0022DED0  7C802542  (00000688, 0000EA60, 000000A4, 0022DF0C)
0022DFE0  61088618  (00000000, DF0DF047, 00000000, 00000000)
0022E0D0  610865FC  (00000000, 61114130, 7C809F8A, 00000000)
0022E150  61086B1B  (00000006, 00000001, 00000000, 00000000)
0022E200  61086CD3  (00000CF8, 00000006, 0022E230, 61086EC7)
0022E210  61086CFC  (00000006, 00000000, 0022E230, 6109DBCF)
0022E230  61086EC7  (10040218, 0022E334, 0022E250, 10040000)
0022E260  610AA8B2  (7C809F90, FFFFFFFF, 7C809F8A, 6109B4FE)
0022E290  6104EC66  (121831A8, 00875E22, 0022E258, 00000002)
0022E2B0  610844FF  (121831A8, 0022E2C8, 0022E2D0, 00996B53)
0022E2D0  00875F91  (12183188, 0022E2E8, 7C809F8A, 00000000)
0022E2F0  008762A0  (10048B68, 00000015, 0022EF88, 7C8399F3)
0022E370  00871FD1  (100485B8, 100485BC, 0022E390, 00968789)
0022E380  009686D3  (121AD98C, 00000002, 0022E3F0, 00875E20)
0022E390  00968789  (121AD98C, 610E2E2C, 0022E3D0, 6104EC66)
0022E3F0  00875E20  (121AD988, 0022E408, 0022E410, 00996B53)
End of stack trace (more stack frames may be present)

$ addr2line -e /usr/local/bin/fgfs.exe 7C802542 61088618 610865FC 61086B1B
61086CD3 61086CFC 61086EC7 610AA8B2 6104EC66 610844FF 00875F91 008762A0
00871FD1 009686D3 00968789 00875E20

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