
Christian Mayer schrieb:
Stefan Seifert schrieb:

A little blurriness would not hurt in many areas. I still have to find a
river in reality with as sharp edges as in FlightGear ;) When generating
textures, one could do real curves and low resolution is a cheap way to
make banks smooth.

FlightGear draws line features like rivers with their own triangles.
They are not on the texture for the sourrounding area and thus they
can't be blured into the sourrounding.

The point with blurring in MSFS is that they draw their roads onto a ground texture, which of course has limited resolution only. This also makes smooth river backs etc. easier, but also introduces a lot of possibly unwanted blurriness.

But I definitely agree that it'd be great to have banks on rivers, roads and railroads. I'm not a pilot in RL an therefore don't have much VFR experience, but from the aerials I've seen I would think that roads, rivers, etc. are most generally recognised from above due to a wider stripe of changing vegetation on their sides.

As Paul put it (although he meant it sarcastically): FlightGear is a development platform and therefore we could as well try different approaches...thinking again, this might well fail due to those qualified enough to do it having already too much on their back. Ah, well...;-)


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