Melchior FRANZ wrote:
 # use letters <>AZaz, for example: 3 'A' signs
 OBJECT_TAXI_SIGN AAA -122.357357 37.613917 0 150

BTW: The comment was actually meant seriously: "use letters <>AZaz"

I hoped you forgot 09 in <>09AZaz.

Or more correctly: use one or more of (A) lower-than, (B) greater-than,
(C) upper case and (D) lower case letters.  (A) and (B) are thought
for arrows.

Forgot to mention -- these are the expected material names:

  (A) '<'          ->  ArrowL.rgb
  (B) '>'          ->  ArrowR.rgb
  (C) 'A' .. 'Z'   ->  LetterA.rgb .. LetterZ.rgb
  (D) 'a' .. 'z'   ->  BlackA.rgb .. BlackZ.rgb

And I'm afraid OBJECT_RUNWAY_SIGN are always squares, and OBJECT_TAXI_SIGN
are one or more squares side by side, depending on the number of letters.


Ref: simgear/scene/tgdb/apt_signs.cxx

Thank you very much Melchior, that was clear and complete.
Sad enough :-( so I have to give up with this, because it fails with many necessary details (up, left-up and right-up arrows, numbers, white on red signs ...).

I will go back using traditional blender obejcts instead; it's more time consuming of course, but I will have enough freedom to build every custom taxiway sign I want. I know I will regreat this, I hope someone will consider developing that old code and make it flexible enough for covering the most cases we have in almost every airport.

Just another question before going back to Gimp-Blender: do taxyway signs emit light in the night? I guess an obvious answer would be "yes", I just need confirmation from people who fly real too.


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