
On Wed, Apr 05, 2006 at 10:04:46AM +0000, Martin Spott wrote:
> Even if someone enables TerraGear to create these signs on the fly
> during scenery generation (which I favour over keeping the signs in the
> Objects DB) we still face the problem that we lack the logical airport
> layout.

In the medium to long term we will get that info from TaxiDraw ;-) Durk already 
integrated logical network editing for AI aircraft in TaxiDraw without having 
to extend or modify the apt.dat format. After all the chance that the format of 
Robin's database changes in a more logical-layout-oriented way has increased 
enormously, AFAIK ;-)

I very much hope to get back into my TaxiDraw rework ASAP, but I fear it won't 
be anytime soon - at least not before LinuxTag ;-)

Ralf Gerlich                http://home.easylink.de/rgerlich
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