There is another update to the F4E, same place as it always is 

The airspeed/mach gauge is installed and functional, although the
texture needs some work, mach readout only goes to 1.2, its blank above
that...  The needle reads out KCAS, and the mach ring rotates with
pressure altitude so the correct mach number is under the needle.

I've added some panel hotspots, too.  They're hard to see since there
seems to be an issue with hotspots showing up in front of textures with
transparencies.  The HSI course and heading knobs work, and the
instrument lights work with the dimmer knob shown on the texture in the
upper left of the panel.

There are two knobs under the VSI gauge (and standby attitude
indicator).  The one on the right is clickable, but doesn't do anything

The one on the left controls the DME readout and bearing pointer on the
HSI.  It has four settings:
          Bearing      DME
 VOR/TAC: VOR 1        VOR 1
     TAC: TACAN        TACAN
 ADF/TAC: ADF          TACAN

In the real world TACANs and VORs share a common DME system, but since
FGFS's NAV radios won't read all the TACANS, and FGFS's TACAN system
won't see all DME sources I put in an option for both styles of DME.

Happy flying,

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