--- "Ampere K. Hardraade" wrote:
> My group and I are going to have a presentation on the Concorde's crash
> (Air 
> France Flight 4590) next week in our Engineering Ethic class, and I am 
> thinking whether I should include FG to spice up our presentation...
> My idea is to show the event of the crash within FlightGear, and if
> possible, 
> play the audio file from the CVR in the background and using the nasal
> to 
> display the subtitles.  If I am to go for this, how should I preceed?
> Thanks in advance,
> Ampere

I'd suggest using the playback protocol (described here:

It should work "out of the box" for Concorde as I did a similar
presentation about 6 months ago. If it doesn't then let me know and I'll
dig out the playback.xml file I used.

Once I had a recording of a successful (!) flight, I then replayed it and
played around with the view so I had a series of view-points that I liked.
In particular one from the far endof the runway worked very well for when
the aircraft took off overhead, but in your case that won't happen...

One disadvantage of this method is that you lose all the engine sounds
etc. during the replay. I'm guessing this is because some of the
properties are not set correctly, but I didn't investigate.

Assuming you get the flight profile correct, thou may find it easier to
play the CVR from a separate source rather than from within FG.

Do you have high-granulairty position/speed data for the flight? If so,
you might just want to munge together an appropriate replay file rather
than fly it yourself. The replay format is straightforward.

Hope this helps and I'm not teaching my grandmother to suck eggs.


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