On 1/30/07, Curtis Olson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> FlightGear seems like a perfect platform to rig up their experiment.

> So my question is this ... to save us some time, does anyone out there have
> a 3d train model in their back pocket they would be willing to contribute to
> FlightGear?

i can't answer your question directly, but indirectly i could suggest
the following :

Have you looked in the "train simulator geek" communities for content ?

There are (2) train simulators that I know of, one by Microsoft, and
the other by a publisher called "Auran" out of australia.

Both simulations have communities of geeks, just like flight
simulators do, and there are people who develop trains and addons,
just like in the flight sim community, as freeware.

you may look around those communities and fan sites to see if you can
find anything to play with.

i believe both simulators use GMax models natively ?

not sure if there is a materials path from GMax to something flight
gear can use.

and as a passing comment, i wonder if one of the train simulators
might be a better train simulator that flightgear for your intended
purpose ...

> Curt.


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