"Curtis Olson" wrote:

[... kids saying bang, bang, bang ...]
> So I think we can debate nature vs. nurture all day long, but at some level,
> wanting to make things explode and enjoying it when they do ... is in our,
> uhhh ... genes (sorrry about that Gene) :-) no matter how hard we try to
> deny that.  Of course, having some level of genetic tendency towards
> something doesn't necessarily make it right to act on that tendency ... take
> alcoholism as an example ...

As a little add-on we could ask ourselves if associating a flute with
"bang, bang" is really something that relies on our genes ....

I heavily doubt. The simple fact that already these small kids are so
much influenced by depiction of war/crime, that they consider taking
the flute for a rifle (even resp. especially if it's just a game) as
common practice, should scare us - and certainly this doesn't justify
turning serious flight simulation into a shoot-em game !

 Unix _IS_ user friendly - it's just selective about who its friends are !

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