James Palmer schrieb:
> I'm sorry if I've hit a sore spot with some by bringing up dogfighting
> development.
> I still intend to investigate the possibility more, but I will completely
> make the capability an "opt-in" type.
> I'm thinking along the lines of a 3 command line option set.  (see only
> non-dogfighters, see only dogfighters, and see dogfighters but don't
> participate, with see only non-dogfighters being default)
> Regardless of whether or not you agree with the capability the method of
> restructuring (for parallelism) will be a benefit for all (and for future
> development).
> Over the next several weeks or so, I'll be doing alot of reading (and
> asking
> alot questions too).  I plan to come up with a more comprehensive
> proposal
> to discuss with the development community.  I plan to iron out some of
> the
> details of the approach and set out the phases of development.  (At that
> point I expect you all to poke as many holes as you can in it ;-)
> Again, thanks to all for the input.  It is greatly appreciated. This
> is what
> drives OSS IMHO.
> Regards,
> James
Hi to all,

I just read through all the controverse discussion and as I am always
present here on the list it would be cowardly not to tell my opinion and
hide behind others who already said most of what I think:

First of all, there was already some interest in the FG forum and FG
users list but James is the very first who really wants to do the work
himself!!! I don't know wheather he is aware of the amount of work and
time he has to spend over the next year to get this stuff working, but
give him the chance to realize his ideas. James seems to realize pretty
well that this is only possible if his work does not have any negative
influence on the "civilian side" of the sim, which has to have priority
in all aspects.

If the dogfight ability will be a feature which is deselected by default
and the both usergroups are separated on their own servers then I cannot
see any problem for the "civilian" users.

And - to be honest - although I am a peaceful man, did no harm to
anybody until now and won't do it in the future - it could be real fun
for me trying a dogfight in a Me109 versus a Spit or in a FW190 versus a
P51. But as FG is a simulation, not a game, I doubt to have the least
chance as you really need the skills to control the aircraft *and*
"fight". As already mentioned, this will limit the group using the
feature and exclude "the unwished".

All the best to your project James

Georg EDDW

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