On 6/15/07, Vivian Meazza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Csaba Halász is busy extending this into a very clever
> Airport Surveillance Radar for use in Control Towers.

Here is the first version. This is by far not complete, but I post it
here so that interested people can give it a try and to give an
opportunity for code review.

*** This is for OSG only ***

Prerequisites: Vivian's and Tim's wxradar

I have split the patch into logical changes:

1. tower.diff: Loads the tower position from apt.dat.gz, falling back
to the current calculation method if that information is not present.
2. runways.diff: Loads the taxiways into memory as well.
3. autohide.diff: Adds support for an autohide flag in 2d panels. For
compatibility reasons  this defaults to true. When false, the
automatical hiding of the panel based on view direction is disabled.
4. ai.diff: Changed AIAircraft and AIMultiplayer to use
AIBase::_callsign member. Renamed _getPath to _getSMPath as the
corresponding set method is _setSMPath. Added _getPath to return
model_path. Added "const" attribute to _getCallsign.
5. groundradar.diff: a new owner-drawn instrument that paints the
current airport layout into a texture
6. wxradar.diff: added labels in data mode. Needs more work.
7. fg.diff: contains all of 1-6, above, for convenience.
8. ATC.diff: changes to Syd's atc-tower "aircraft". This goes into
data directory. Also make sure to copy the new panel-bg.rgb.

You can get the package from
http://w3.enternet.hu/jester/fgfs/atc-20070617.tgz [105kB]


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