While there's so much hacking happening wrt to radar instrumentation,
I'd like note a small observation. There seems to be a small, but
noticeable, inconsistency about the heading displayed.

You can see this if you enable the showing of a tacan source in the
radar and its corresponding data/symbol whatever box. They appear to
"point" into different directions. I suspect both informations get
derived by ways taking the magnetic variation into account

The combinations of radar echos/groundradar/radar compass rose look
pairwise consistent though. But on further guesstimating I tend to
think all that rl atc happens with the magnetic heading in mind (thus
rwy 28 in KSFO for example), so perhaps the radar screen should
reflect this by rotating accordingly. I'm not even sure if that would
change the difference I talked above (and if so, in the "right" way).

For now I fear I cannot dig deeper into that, but perhaps this can a
serve as pointer fo some you guys already busy hacking that part of
fg. Thanks to you anyways for the great job.

K. Hoercher

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