On 07/08/2007 07:48 AM, Torsten Dreyer wrote:

>>      The FG HSI instrument now has a double-shafted ADF(RMI) needle,
>>      as shown here:
>>        http://www.av8n.com/fly/fgfs/RMI.jpg
>>      which is more nearly like a real-world HSI/ADF(RMI).
> interesting. 


> Is this modeled after a real instrument? 

Good question.  I have no idea.  The two-needle "hsi.xml" was
already part of FG when I came aboard, already installed in the
"generic" instrument setup, and used in dozens of aircraft models.
In this case, as for most things in Aircraft/Instruments/*.xml,
I couldn't find any documentation to indicate what the thing is
modeled after.

I see four different "hsi*.xml" files;  I don't know what is the
relationship between them.

> I have never seen a HSI 
> containing a ADF indicator, just plain HSI for the VOR/ILS indicator (like 
> KI525) and on the other hand the RMI with a VOR and ADF needle (like KI228).

Several responses:

1) I didn't have a real instrument in mind;  I was just making
  the minimal fix to the existing hsi.xml.

  I acted on the observation that having two very similar needles
  was "pilot error waiting to happen".  Something needed to be done.

2) An argument could be made for removing this RMI needle, but
  that is not a step to be taken lightly, since it would require
  nontrivial compensatory changes in dozens of aircraft panels.

3) FWIW S-Tec is selling a *three*-needle eHSI (one CDI plus
  optionally two RMI needles).

4) I hear rumors that MS FS2k has a two-needle HSI, but I don't
  know for sure.  I have no experience with FS2k ... and IMHO
  FGFS should be modeling real life (to the extent possible),
  not modeling MS.

5) The double-shafted arrow glyph will come in handy if/when
  somebody decides to make a KI229 or the like.

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