Quoting Tim Moore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Hash: SHA1
> Frederic Bouvier wrote:
> > Quoting Vivian Meazza :
> >
> >> Robert Black
> >>
> >>> Sent: 29 August 2007 03:41
> >>> To: FlightGear developers discussions
> >>> Subject: Re: [Flightgear-devel] [Bug-Report] Stutterer and
> >>> pauses withdynamic-view
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> On Tuesday 28 August 2007 18:44, Laurence Vanek wrote:
> >>>
> >>>> also had this problem in general (not with dynamic view).
> >>> only thing
> >>>> that helped was adding the following to my .fgfsrc file:
> >>>>
> >>>> --prop:/sim/frame-rate-throttle-hz=75
> > I think stutter comes from the threaded scenery tile loader. When you
> change
> > view direction, you ask the loader to load more tiles, and when all
> required
> > tiles are loaded for a given position, the stutter stops. Also, when there
> is an
> > insane frame rate, there should be no CPU time allocated to the tile
> loader, and
> > thus, the stutter, so limiting the frame rate, either by using the
> throttling
> > feature, or activating vsync, should lessen the problem.
> >
> > -Fred
> You can blame some stuttering on the incomplete integration of the tile
> loader with
> OSG, something that I'm working on. In particular, display lists are now
> compiled and
> textures are now loaded when a tile first becomes visible; the OSG database
> pager
> schedules this work over several frames to avoid affecting the frame rate.
> Also, it's
> true that activating vsync will leave some predictable time for the pager
> thread to run
> when it won't interrupt the main rendering thread.

Did someone experiment changing the number of loader threads ?
This is possible by changing line 120 of Scenery/FGTileLoader.hxx
In CVS, the line is now :

                 enum { MAX_THREADS = 1 };

It won't cure the fact that OGL resources needs to be allocated in the rendering
thread, but would enable multiple cores to load more than one tile at a time.


Frédéric Bouvier
http://frfoto.free.fr                      Photo gallery - album photo
http://www.fotolia.fr/p/2278/partner/2278  Other photo gallery
http://fgsd.sourceforge.net/               FlightGear Scenery Designer

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