
>>> If my memory serves, VC8 shipped with a new runtime that won't work
>>> on XP without an update, right?
>> Wrong.
> Can you elaborate?  I'm all but certain that default builds want to
> link against MSVCR80.DLL (or whatever) at runtime, no?

One possibility: link statically.

> Are we set up
> to install that in our distributables? 

We have to supply these along with distributables. Either use a
redistributable installer or install it as a SxS assembly. (Write a
manifest and put it in a properly named subfolder).

> Is such an arrangement GPL
> compatible? 

Yes. See Clause 2:

... If identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the
Program, and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works
in themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
sections when you distribute them as separate works....

> I know other projects have had to deal with this issue,
> but don't know the details.
> It does strike me as simpler to just use the older compiler.

MSVCRT71.dll isn't supplied by WIndows XP (even SP2) either. Please try
yourself with a fresh windows XP without drivers.


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