For those that don't know what's it about: model XML files
contain code like this:


* Curtis Olson -- Saturday 13 October 2007:
> [...] I'm not sure why there are strong objections here.
> It's a lot like caching the unoptimized models in a much more
> optimized format. 

No. Caching would mean that the file "" is still the
main source. fgfs would create a "test.osg" from that and use
that, because it's faster. But whenever a "" was
updated, a new "test.osg" would automatically be made.

In Jim's (committed) version, "test.osg" is always used when
available, while "" isn't considered *at all*. The
developer explicitly orders "", but what s/he gets
may be "test.osg". It can be confusing and make debugging
harder. And what if I *want* to *really* try "" to
see how it compares? I can't, even though it's there. I
have to move "test.osg" away, or rename "" and its
entry. Sorry, but that's poor design. Not Unix-worthy.

IMHO acceptable is to allow to explicitly leave the decision
to fgfs by just stating the basename:  <path>test</path>.
Then fg/plib would just append ".ac" and try, while fg/osg
would first append ".osg", and if it fails ".ac".

Also acceptable would be a fallback mechanism: Try the
path that the developer wanted, and only if not available,
try an alternative. 

What Jim proposes is a "fallforward" method: give a damn
about the developer's wish, and just overrule him. May he
want or not. That's the MS Windows way.  :-P


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