Heiko Schulz

> Sent: 23 October 2007 23:55
> To: FlightGear developers discussions
> Subject: Re: [Flightgear-devel] FlightGear/Plib periodic stutter notes
> Hi,
> Couldn't test it, waiting that someones will do a
> precompiled binary for windows.
> But it sounds good, very good though at least there
> are still some perfomance issues. I think of AI and
> the loading of the scenery tiles.
> What Vivian is writing sounds for me like the stutters
> of loading of objects.
> If I use Random Objects FGFS is hardly to use, even I
> decrease the count of objects.
> It would be good if Vivian could send his choosen
> settings for comparing.....
> --- Georg Vollnhals <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb:
> > Vivian Meazza schrieb:
> > > Not here, I'm afraid. Very good frame rates using
> > the Buccaneer (70+) but
> > > there are still noticeable pauses over land. None
> > over the ocean tiles. The
> > > pauses, or hesitations do not seem to be
> > associated with any Subsystem
> > > Timing Alert, of which there are almost none.
> > >
> > > Regards,
> > >
> > > Vivian
> > >
> > >   
> > Hi Vivian,
> > 
> > mmmh, as it really works for me as I already posted
> > I want to add that
> > my test still was made with Sync to VBlank on AND
> > all AI stuff swiched
> > off in the preferences.xml.
> > AI stuff might now work without resulting in
> > stuttering, I have to test
> > it, but I doubt that I can omit the Sync switch,
> > this seems to be
> > another special problem. Did you think of that?
> > 

This test was run with every option de-selected, including


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