Gerard robin wrote

> Sent: 10 November 2007 09:29
> To: FlightGear developers discussions
> Subject: Re: [Flightgear-devel] Minor keyboard reassignment
> On sam 10 novembre 2007, Melchior FRANZ wrote:
> > * Melchior FRANZ -- Saturday 10 November 2007:
> > > L is used to engage in the aircraft carrier's catapult
> > > (see $FG_ROOT/Input/Keyboard/carrier-bindings.xml). So around 10 
> > > aircraft will overwrite the new lighting binding anyway.
> >
> > err ... the tailwheel lock binding. (I didn't even know that it was 
> > there. I have that on my js.) We have still several keys globally 
> > unassigned, but it's increasingly hard to find one that 
> isn't used by 
> > at least one aircraft. In the long run we'll have to 
> reorganize a bit. 
> > We waste a lot of keys for obscure features that a typical 
> simulator 
> > user will never need and/or that are too easy to press by accident 
> > (a/A, t/T, r, ...). The carrier bindings could IMHO be in a small 
> > popup dialog (like the ATC dialog). They aren't for controlling the
> > aircraft after all, but to give orders to the carrier crew.
> >
> > m.
> >
> >
> Anyhow, I am not sure it would be a good idea to use the 
> "reserved" carrier KEYS. There is only a the little number of 
> persons who use and like the carriers, 
> which is not the majority of the FG community :(, so i can 
> understand that 
> many persons don't mind about carrier, and i worry it.
> The L   is very useful , i mean a key on the keyboard (not a 
> "like ATC 
> dialog").
> Please keep it.

And I don't think a dialog would be a good way to fire the catapult.



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