
> Sent: 21 November 2007 10:11
> To: FlightGear developers discussions
> Subject: Re: [Flightgear-devel] Nimitz operation menu items
> > Bohnert Paul wrote
> >I propose adding two items to the ATC/AI Options menu.
> >
> >The first one will enable users to set the speed of carrier Nimitz.
> >
> >The second will set Nimitz speed to 0 and place it at the 
> it's start up 
> >location. This will allow MP players to >place Nimitz at the same 
> >location without editing configuration files.
> Hi Paul,
> Providing an easy way to make the Nimitz more MP-compatible 
> is an excellent idea. However, I have two comments on the 
> implementation:
> 1) I think splitting the dialog into two - one for AI/ATC and 
> one for carrier settings would be a good idea. From the 
> user's perspective, they are really two separate functions 
> and there are now sufficient carrier functions to make this 
> worthwhile. It might also be worth including buttons for 
> engaging the launchbar, and even firing the catapult. This 
> will also allow us to hide the carrier menu if the carriers 
> are not enabled.

> 2) The dialog currently is very specific to the Nimitz and 
> its current location. I think it would be a good idea to 
> instead provide controls for any number of carriers, or at 
> least controls that will reset _all_ carriers to their 
> default position. This may require a bit of re-jigging of the 
> carrier scenarios so that their initial positions etc are 
> accessible, but will give a lot more flexibility as the 
> number of carriers increase.
> I realize that this has just trebled the workload for your 
> enhancement, but I think that both these things will make it 
> much more useful.
> Best regards,
> -Stuart

As an ergonomic issue here - I would prefer not to try to juggle with mouse
and joystick to either engage the launchbar or fire the catapult - the
keyboard is a better option. I know there are some who can manage that, but
I'm not one of them.

Otherwise, this is all good stuff, and as the co-author of the original
carrier stuff would be very willing to add the final version to cvs.

Only temporarily, mind. We have been talking about doing the carrier (and
other ai objects) over mp for years now. Perhaps some time soon ...


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