On Thursday 13 March 2008 08:12, Vivian Meazza wrote:
> > > In theory nothing has been changed in submodels in a long
> > > time, and <aero-stabilised> remains a bool. However I have
> > > been making changes in AIBallistic, so the problem probably
> > > lies there, and I'm investigating. I can sort of reproduce
> > > your bug, but here all the submodels behave in the same way.
> > > If they don't then it is possible that you haven't enabled AI
> > > Models.
> > >
> > > Vivian
> >
> > Hmm...  I have
> >
> > --prop:sim/ai-traffic/enabled=true
> > --prop:sim/ai-traffic/level=3
> >
> > and
> >
> > --disable-random-objects
> >
> > in my .fgfsrc but they are the only AI related things I
> > specifically set, and disabling the random objects is probably
> > irrelevant here.
> >
> > Actually, I haven't updated from FG cvs since mid February, so
> > this problem dates from before then.  I'm also pretty sure the
> > problem wasn't apparent around early/mid December 2008 because
> > I remember using trajectory markers while I was working on the
> > TFA stuff for the BAC-TSR2 and I sent the resulting update to
> > Curt on 2008-12-17.
> >
> > After some more testing last night, I have to revise the ratio
> > of affected instances to ones that show the problem - far more
> > instances _are_ affected than work correctly.  I'd now guess
> > that somewhere around nine out of ten instances are showing
> > this strange behaviour, but there still doesn't appear to be a
> > discernible pattern.
> >
> > LeeE
> You need  --enable-ai-models. Without this you will see
> AIBallistic stuff, but they won't move correctly.
> I think there _is_ bug, but not quite the one you describe. If
> you could just try again with the correct settings, and let me
> know what you observe.
> V.

I just went to try this and found that I'm already 
supplying --enable-ai-models on the command line:(

Sorry - I should have checked there as well.  I just use bash 
history to call up my FG start command and thought I only had stuff 
that I change regularly included in it.


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