Hello all!

gerard robin wrote:
> YES, which could be.....
>  however, regarding these Scenery ERRORS it is probably a generic bug  , it 
> is 
> not a specific bug (Ralf could answer better than i can), so the list of the 
> area where the coastline is wrong will be very large.
> I can only say that, the right coastline is given by the tiles extracted from 
> Scenery FG0.9.8.

Scenery V1.0.0 has been built using VMAP0 landmass and shoreline data.

But: Our data never was accurate and probably never will be. Even the
more accurate GSHHS data places LFMN in the ocean - at least in parts.

The same goes for treasure island.

If you want to, you can have a look at the data in the database at
http://mapserver.flightgear.org/ The data used for this build is in the
v0_* layers.

BTW: We are working on importing current GSHHS data (version 1.5 instead
of 1.3 as currently in the DB), but it's not available as Shapefiles
anymore. Slowly but surely wins the race...

So the inaccuracies in the shoreline are _not_ caused by our algorithmic

However, the faulty tiles - tiles which should show only ground where
there should be ocean as well - are bugs, not inaccuracies.

They are probably specific bugs, as TerraGear does show them from time
to time, caused often by subtleties in the input data, relating to
floating point accuracy or similar. For example, genapts has a nudge
option by which you can nudge the airport layouts by a few centimeters.
Often this is enough to make the difference between a failed tile and a
successful tile, although it doesn't make much difference in the visual
results. This should show you how sensitive TerraGear can be at times.

I am tracking these faults down. I have checked the results of the
modified code on the tile Gerard reported and it seems that the faults
do not originate there.

Note that most of my modifications were necessary to get TerraGear to
even build some tiles. I replaced some complex algorithms by simpler
ones, which should essentially be more robust than their predecessors.

I am as disappointed as you are about these faulty tiles, specifically
as Martin and I have spent a lot of effort to avoid faulty tiles
slipping into the scenery. Yet I hope that we can refrain from yelling
and keep the discussion constructive.

I am interested in reports about straight ground tiles in the ocean or
in lakes, as Gerard reported in his original mail:


It would be great if you could send me an exact position which is
_inside_ the faulty tile. But I at least need general instructions on
how to find the place. Maybe there's a pattern in these bugs which might
help me trace it down, but maybe the Nice area is a singularity.

These are actual bugs and therefore are my priority. Once I have tracked
them down and fixed TerraGear, I will try to provide replacement tiles
for them.

The inaccuracies are unfortunate, but I can't do much about them before
the next scenery rebuild (see my remark about GSHHS v1.5 above).

Ralf Gerlich

Software Engineer and Technical Consultant

Dr. Rainer Gerlich System and Software Engineering
Auf dem Ruhbühl 181  |   Tel:    +49 7545 91 12 58
D-88090 Immenstaad   |   Fax:    +49 7545 91 12 40
Germany              |   Mobile: +49 178 76 06 129

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