Hello Gerard!

gerard robin wrote:
> But you understood i was only talking about the coastline near that place.
> The nice curved shape of the bay which should be here  with the little 
> peninsular ground  (the name , Antibes , Juan-les-Pins, and two islands Ste 
> Marguerite and St Honoras).
> Instead of it there is that huge squared ground tile.

Exactly that ground-tile problem is what I'm trying to track down.

>> It would be great if you could send me an exact position which is
>> _inside_ the faulty tile. But I at least need general instructions on
>> how to find the place. Maybe there's a pattern in these bugs which might
>> help me trace it down, but maybe the Nice area is a singularity.
> Not only NICE area, because i found on VHHH ( which is an other place i use 
> to 
> fly over it)  some (similar ??) bug.
> I will try to give you the difference with Snapshots.

No snapshot needed, just a position.

I need to fetch the relevant tiles from our build machine in San Diego
and don't have the whole scenery available locally, so accurate
positions for the bug reports would make my work so much easier.


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