> Date: Thu, 20 Mar 2008 08:46:36 +0100
> To: flightgear-devel@lists.sourceforge.net
> Subject: Re: [Flightgear-devel] Sound problem stops FG start
> LeeE wrote:
>> That _is_ strange re getting it with the UFO.  What happens if you 
>> remove the mkvii instrument entirely?
>> Can you play the sample separately - through xmms, or whatever media 
>> player you use?  Can you play _any_ sound samples at all?  Is it 
>> just with FG that you get this problem?
> This is probably an oOpenAL problem. I had something similar this week 
> with FlightGear 1.0 which turned out to be a local OpenAL problem.
> Worst case; your OpenAL isn't 64-bit ready yet.
I am running in 32bit mode on a duel core cpu.I have tried disabling sound
before running but that does not seem to work.It would seem that the
audio on my motherboard is usb audio now what effect that has on everything
I dont know.I just know that at present my sound is not audable.I can see it
running in totem but no sound from speakers.I guess I will wait for Ubuntu
Hardy to arrive and try to get everything working from there.
> I would suggest running OpenAL without any backend (null device or 
> something) to see if it helps.
> Erik


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