On lundi 08 décembre 2008, Stuart Buchanan wrote:
> Heiko wrote:
> > The clouds looking great now- the order problem is 99% solved so much as
> > I can see!
> Yes - I think we're pretty much done.
> > I see only some few problems still:
> >
> > -against a second 3d-clouds layer, the problem with z-drawing appears
> > again
> I don't know how to solve this at the moment. Sorry :(
> > -setting "thunderstorm": the clouds has this transparency problem again,
> > perfomance is weak, no lightning and thunder back (o.k. missing
> > feature....) maybe (just an idea) we can create a special set of a
> > thunderstorm which is loaded instead the usual set which seems to be
> > changed for fitting.
> The Thuderstorm scenario has a very specific METAR. We could easily change
> this to something that looks better.
> One of the enhancements I'd like to make after the release is to allow the
> scenario METAR strings to be defined in a properties file, so a user can
> "save" METARs they want to fly in the future.
> > -ns and st-layers covers now full, but also decrease dramatically the
> > fps. Even on my fast machine I only get around 8-12fps- not usuable!
> > Maybe it helps a bit if we couple the cloud visibility range with the
> > generell visibility.
> > Or we should use of the old, 2d-layers instead!
> I don't think we're likely to find massive performance improvements, so
> I think using 2-D layers for stratus might be the best solution for the
> moment.
> This is very easy to do : The 3D cloud code defaults to a 2D layer if it
> can't find an appropriate cloud definition in the cloudlayers.xml file. So,
> you can simple remove the <st> and <ns> sections from cloudlayers.xml.
> If you agree, I'll look at doing that tonight. This may also help with the
> Thunderstorm scenario.
> -Stuart
An other snapshoot,  feedback, with metar.
Getting the same blue edge than with thunderstorm.
May be it is my graphic card



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