Ladies and Gentlemen,

Please find FlightGear 1.99.5-RC2 ready for download. In order to relieve my 
humble server, John Wojnaroski has kindly provided some space on his server to 
host the source and base package. Please find the relevant files here:

In addition, a prebuild windows release, kindly provided by Frederic Bouvier 
is available here:

I expect the mac perelease to follow shortly. 

This prerelease is based on last wednessday's source code. This means that the 
latest cloud patches didn't make it in yet. 

If all goes well, I would like  to prepare the final release version next 
Friday. Until that time please hold back on committing anything risky, and 
give these prereleases a decent workout. Let's try to make this the best 
FlightGear release yet. :-)


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