On 12/13/2008 02:29 AM, Frederic Bouvier wrote:
> You need at least OSG 2.7.3


And the OSG site seems to be back up.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, in RC2 we have the following

>> [This file is mirrored in both the FlightGear and SimGear packages.]
>> You *must* have OpenSceneGraph (OSG) installed to build this version of 
>> FlightGear.
>> You can get the latest version of OSG from:
>> http://www.openscenegraph.org/
>> Build notes:
>> Unzip the file OpenSceneGraph-2.0.zip and install using the following
>> commands:
>> unzip OpenSceneGraph-2.0
>> cd OpenSceneGraph
>> ccmake .
>> [ While running ccmake: press 'c' to configure, press 'c' once more, and
>>   then press 'g' to generate and exit ]
>> make 
>> sudo make install

It might be good to fix that before the release goes out.

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