On 12/26/2008 08:24 PM, Ron Jensen wrote:

>> IMHO we would be way ahead of the game if DP's upgrades
>> had been incorporated in the "library" copy in
>> Aircraft/Instruments-3d/, rather than being confined to
>> a private pa24-only copy.
>> Sometimes it pays to put all your eggs in one basket,
>> and then do a really good job of looking after that
>> basket.
> In theory its a good idea, in practice it has not worked as well.  The
> Instruments-3d folder is a morgue, its impossible to make changes to the
> instruments there without coordinating the change with any and every
> aircraft developer who might have used the instrument, and the panel
> lighting standards used in Instruments-3d aren't the best choices.  

Well, to me that sounds like the result of not-too-wise
coding and not-too-wise project management in the past.

That does not convince me that things cannot be done 
better in the future.

And I have evidence to support what I am saying.
Specifically, just now I modified the c172p to use 
the same ADF as the pa24-150.
 1) That immediately made the c172p in some ways
  better and in no ways worse.  In particular, it
  fixed multiple bugs having to do with the on/off
  switch and/or master switch off.
 2) I then went over to the pa24-250 and did some
  minor clean-ups of button and hotspot positions.
  And guess what?  The c172p automagically got 
  better also.

It was not "more" debugging to make the c172p get
better in phase (2);  it was _less_ debugging.  Why
should we have to go looking for the same bugs over
and over again?

The patch is at:

The next step is to teach the c182 and c182rg to use
the same ADF.  That would fix about ten more bugs at
low cost.

In the Real World, you can replace the King radio in
one aircraft with the corresponding radio from another
aircraft, as easy as π.  If we can't come up with Sim
World radios that are comparably compatible from airplane 
to airplane, I'd be astonished and very disappointed.

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