On 27 Dec 2008, at 08:16, Tim Moore wrote:

> Modified Files:
>       SGGeodesy.cxx
> Log Message:
> Fix include path


> *** SGGeodesy.cxx     26 Dec 2008 12:08:28 -0000      1.8
> --- SGGeodesy.cxx     27 Dec 2008 08:16:03 -0000      1.9
> ***************
> *** 22,26 ****
>  #include <cmath>
> ! #include "structure/exception.hxx"
>  #include "SGMath.hxx"
> --- 22,26 ----
>  #include <cmath>
> ! #include <simgear/structure/exception.hxx>
>  #include "SGMath.hxx"

This is interesting - since we're in an implementation file, not a  
public header, I regard my version as a 'better' choice than using a  
system include, with the simgear prefix. Are you changing this for the  
sake of style, consistency or correctness? (Or maybe all three :)


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