On Dec 28, 2008, at 1:24 AM, Csaba Halász wrote:
> FYI, the black rectangle also occurs on linux, especially with older
> nvidia cards only supported by the legacy driver (no possibility to
> upgrade). The bug appeared with the change to 2 cameras. Tim said he
> might have some workaround for this.
> The splash-screen bug might be some timing issue and it has been
> mostly reported by single-core users.

Way too long splash-screen occur on my MacBook Pro with core 2 duo,
so this is not only for single core users.
In that case I quit it during the splash screen, and then launch it again.
The second trial usually works fine.

Only the problem I have in that case is that FG crashes with sigsevg if you 
quit it during splash screen.
This is another issue but it must also be fixed.

I've not yet reported that any Mac has a black box problem, but I've reported 
one crash with nVidia GeForce ti4x00 driver bug exactly the same as GeForce 


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