Durk Talsma a écrit :
> Hi,
> Just a quick question. As far as I'm concerned, we'll be doing a 1.9.1 bug 
> fix 
> release soon. I would just like to get an impression how our progress is on 
> the various problems that have been reported. I know that the "black box" 
> problem is fixed now, but how are we doing on the other issues. In 
> particular, 
> some people seem to have reported that FlightGear got stuck in an endless 
> scenery loading loop. Do we already have a handle on that?

My findings on that is that the pager thread needs to compile display
list in the main loop, and this process is framerate dependent. At that
time of the initialisation, there is only the splashscreen on screen,
but its refresh rate slow down the loading process. For instance, I
mesured it takes more than 1000 frames to display to correctly load a
terrain tile. Maybe there are parameters to tweak, like the number of
maximum display lists to compile each frames, and we could use more
aggressive values until the scenery is displayed. Just a thought.

> I also know that various people,  have reported other bugs. I am under the 
> impression that most of these are actually problems that need to be addressed 
> as part of our normal development cycle and not immediate showstoppers. 

The return to 0.1 as the near plane would save us a lot of complain.


Frédéric Bouvier
http://my.fotolia.com/frfoto/   Photo gallery
http://fgsd.sourceforge.net/    FlightGear Scenery Designer

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