----- "Ron Jensen" a écrit :

> On Mon, 2009-03-16 at 20:30 -0500, Curtis Olson wrote:
> > Here's a hypothetical question.
> > 
> > Let's say some company "A" builds an internal product prototype
> that
> > incorporates FlightGear as part of a larger aggregate system.
> Murky waters here.  And a slippery slope to be on.
> > Let's say they even make a few small changes to FlightGear.  Now
> they
> > give away a demo system
> This is distributing.  If there were no changes simply pointing to
> the
> FG source at cvs.flightgear.org would be sufficient.  However, as
> they
> distributed a modified executable, they owe the community the
> modified
> sources to that executable.  That is simply the "cost" of using
> flightgear.
> >  to a couple different potential customers and say, "Hey what do
> you
> > think."  They haven't rolled out an actual product, they haven't
> had
> > any actual sales.  No customer has paid any money for the copy of
> the
> > system.
> > 
> > Has the GPL been violated?
> Probably.
> >From the GPL v2 license preamble:
>  Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you have
>  the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
> this
>  service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it if
> you
>  want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it in new
>  free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
> "You" above refers to both company "A" and the potential customers
> that
> received flightgear from company "A."  Company "A" has the freedom to
> sell copies of a modified flightgear. The potential customers have a
> right to the modified source code, and the freedom to further
> distribute
> the modified sources and binary.  "You" above also applies to anyone
> who
> receives a copy of the modified flightgear.  
> So if company "A" is distributing a modified binary copy of
> flightgear
> without offering the modified sources, they have violated the GPL.

If I can wear my Devil's advocate hat : What if the receiver of the modified 
software doesn't require the sources ?
Does the GPL require that the modified source should be distributed to people 
that shouldn't use the modified source ?


Frédéric Bouvier
http://my.fotolia.com/frfoto/              Photo gallery - album photo
http://fgsd.sourceforge.net/               FlightGear Scenery Designer

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